Buy our beautiful eggs at Bear Creek Smokehouse

About Us

Beautiful organic fresh colored local eggs

Good Food is Beautiful too

Naturally blue, green, pink and olive colored eggs

Naturally blue, green, pink and olive colored eggs


Beautiful fresh organic local eggs raised in Longview Marshall Harleton Hallsville area

Naturally blue, green, pink and olive colored eggs

Naturally blue, green, pink and olive colored eggs

Naturally blue, green, pink and olive colored eggs

Easter eggs with pastel colored shells, just as God made them.

Free-range pastured organic fresh beautiful local eggs raised in Longview Marshall Harleton Hallsville

Raised on the Range

Naturally blue, green, pink and olive colored eggs

Raised on the Range

Our beautiful hens are at home ranging 55 acres.   Their only fencing is for safety at night.

Pure Pastured, Free-Range, Cage-Free goodness 

Eggs in Longview and Eggs in Marshall organic too


Contact Us

Drop us a line!

Better yet, see us in person!

Available at Bear Creek Smokehouse

10857 State Highway 154

Marshall, TX 75670

No Rooster Required Eggs Raised at Harleton Harvest Farm

open by appointment

HaHa.Farm (415) 361-0072